Friday, March 12, 2010

A Day in the Life of...

Read 2 Corinthians 5:16-21.

I'm going to offer up a personal reflection on this short passage from St. Paul. It's been an emotional twenty-four hours for me. Last night I participated in a thoroughly engaging discussion with Pastor Russ and Pastor Carl on the Feeding of the 5,000 for our Lenten series. I was worried all day that we would come across sounding like Bible geeks and say very little of relevance to your every day lives. But much to my delight, everyone was right into the story with us. It confirmed this feeling I have lately that instead of being a parish sponge, absorbing the workings and ongoing life of Hope Lutheran, I am now spending more time giving to that life with my fledgling pastoral skills. As I face life at our church without Pastor Carl, I can rejoice in Paul's words that everything is becoming new including my very own self. Which brings me to Pastor Carl...

After Lenten worship, I was whisked into our council meeting where Pastor Carl offered his exit interview. It was reflective and emotional particularly for our founding members and full of promise for the future. Everyone felt the bittersweet nature of his departure. Jerrie, our council president was so right when she said, things are happening at Hope Lutheran. I've noticed too: financial giving is up, attendance is changing, there is a new kind of energy that has been brewing for some time and now seems to be bubbling to the surface. Everything is becoming new.

After council, I drove home dwelling on the evening. Upon arrival, I finished my daily blog with minutes to spare, rose this morning and headed to San Luis for our conference gathering of pastors. Pastor Carl was there and we began with a laying on of hands by all the pastors who have supported him and been his partners in the wider church. Most everyone prayed spontaneously. Not me though. I was busy getting teary because I was keenly aware of the Holy at work in the hands sending him off. I don't think I was sad though because of the loss even though I will miss my friend and colleague. I was simply overwhelmed with the reality that all things are becoming new: Pastor Carl, the me that wouldn't be the same had he not been in my life, and our church. In Christ, there is a new creation. Hour by hour, nothing seems so true as this.

  • How are you experiencing God's doing of a new thing here at our church?
  • How is God reconciling you personally to Christ in this transition?

Gracious God, through your Son you make all things new, from the hearts of our unique selves to the wider heart of our church. We give thanks for your encouraging Word among us in the midst of our uncertainty. Your Word, Your Son, Amen.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you Amy for your thoughts
    God's blessing
    Pastor Carl
