Monday, February 15, 2010

Secret Hearts

Read Psalm 51

“You desire truth in the inward being; therefore teach me wisdom in my secret heart.”

I am intrigued by the secret heart. I think we all have one: a heart beneath our hearts that holds our deepest longings and desires. It’s the heart that desires an authentic life in which what we believe might be lived out in our daily lives. It’s the heart that craves meaning and connection and belonging. Maybe it’s a heart that holds wounds we cannot dress on our own. Perhaps those wounds were inflicted upon us. Or perhaps we have been wounded by what we have done to others. Maybe that heart is encased in silence for it is certainly a heart that is shy, maybe known only to ourselves, or maybe even only to God.

In the season of Lent, we are given the space to open our secret hearts. The psalmist prays for wisdom and truth. If our inward being is restored to our Creator, we might live in unity with God and with one another in wholeness and freedom.


What does your secret heart look like? How does it sound? What does it desire?
Who knows your secret heart and inward being?


Holy and Wise One, we turn to you in the coming days knowing we can entrust our hearts to you – for you know us better than we know our own selves. Amen

1 comment:

  1. Hi Amy. Just testing a post! Thinking about your words too! See you tomorrow.
