Thursday, March 4, 2010

Pop Theology

Read 1 Corinthians 10:1-13.

"God is faithful, and he will not let you be tested beyond your strength, but with the testing he will also provide the way out so that you may be able to endure it." (1 Corinthians 10:13)

There have been a handful of occasions in my life when friends of mine have said to me in the midst of tragedy that God never gives us more than we can handle. (I don't think they knew they were quoting Paul.) I use to think that myself. There was something kind of reassuring about that sentiment. It implied I was strong enough to cope with whatever trial had beset me. But as I've grown into my Lutheran identity, all kinds of things seem wrong with that statement. First of all, does that mean that God is the root of all hardship in our lives? Second, what about the people who are overwhelmed and take their own lives? Does that mean that God tested them beyond their limits? Somehow I think not.

I know I'm arguing with Paul here, but I just can't swallow this idea. I had a professor in seminary who took umbrage with this bit of cultural theology. She told a few of us one day, "You know...we were born with more than we handle. Isn't that the point of baptism? The world is already too much to handle." Yes! I wanted to shout. That's it! (Maybe Paul would agree with me). The world is too much. I can't believe how people survive sometimes. And I don't even mean that in the have-you-watched-the-evening-news-today kind of way. As I get to know some of you here at church I am amazed at how much you carry.

For all those people quoting Paul in the midst of their trials, I want to say: read the second part of the verse. God always provides a way out. And the first way out, the ultimate and eternal way out, was the water poured on us in our spiritual births.


  • Paul sometimes is not the easiest to read. He can make a person nervous in his ethics. What makes you nervous or uncomfortable as you read this week's passage?
  • What bits of cultural theology to you find yourself repeating? Does it comfort you? How does it fit with what you affirm in church each Sunday?


God of our baptism, from our births you have seen to our safety and endurance. We give you thanks for receiving us and bearing us up in this life and the life to come. We pray in Jesus' name, Amen

1 comment:

  1. Pastor Amy, I always had trouble with this part of Paul, but now I understand it in the way you say--Jesus is the door.
